The Adventurer: Charming, Imaginative, Passionate

 By Linda Otieno

Welcome back to our Personality & Communication series. 

For the past few posts, we have been discussing how your personality affects the way you communicate. By understanding your personality, you can know how you can communicate better irrespective of the method you're using. 

We've been exploring the 16 personality types to understand this theme. So far, we've done 4 personality types: The Entertainer, The Advocate, The Entrepreneur & The Mediator. 

This week, we're looking into The Adventurer personality type.


An Adventurer (ISFP) is a person with the Introverted, Observant, Feeling and Prospecting personality traits. 

What do these traits mean?

  1. Introverted- Adventurers are energized by alone time. Activities where they have to keep talking or interacting with people for a long time drain them. Therefore, they need to spend some time alone to recharge.
  2. Observant- This trait describes what Adventurers are more likely to do with the information gathered from the world around them. They are more interested in observable facts and more straightforward outcomes, rather than relying on intuition. Intuition is the opposite of the Observant trait and it is characterized by imagining the past and future potential of what you see. Adventurers prefer to focus on what's right in front of them; on the present. This makes them more practical.
  3. Feeling- Adventurers rely more on their feelings than logic in making decisions. They often follow their hearts rather than their heads. They follow their hearts and emotions – sometimes without even realizing it. Feeling personality types, like The Adventurer, tend to be caring, compassionate and warm. Feeling types are also highly protective of those they care about.
  4. Prospecting- Adventurers prefer spontaneity. They prefer to figure things out as they go. They tend to deal with unexpected moments easily.

The Adventurer personality type are people with open minds.  They approach life, new experiences and people with grounded warmth. Their ability to stay in the moment helps them uncover exciting potentials.

Adventurer personalities are true artists, but not necessarily always in the typical sense. Rather, it’s that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. Adventurers enjoy challenging traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior. They hate being boxed in or labelled.

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of The Adventurer personality and how that influences how they communicate.

But before that, let's look at some famous personalities who have been identified as The Adventurer personality type: The Late Michael Jackson - American singer, songwriter; Britney Spears - American singer, songwriter; Lana Del Rey - American singer, songwriter; Avril Lavigne - Canadian singer, songwriter; Kevin Costner - American actor.


1. Charming – People with the Adventurer personality type are relaxed and warm, and their “live and let live” attitude naturally makes them likable and popular.

They communicate in way that is charming, relaxed and warm. This put others at ease and they feel they can talk to them about anything.

2. Sensitive to Others – Adventurers easily relate to others’ emotions, helping them to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict.

They tend to communicate in a way that is peaceful. This is particularly helpful in situations where a disagreement is occurring. Since they can relate to others' emotions, they know what to say to others. They make sure to be considerate of others' feelings in communicating their thoughts.

3. Imaginative – Being so aware of others’ emotions, Adventurer personalities use creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people’s hearts. They have a vivid imagination and exploratory spirit.

They communicate in way that touches people's hearts. They make you feel as though they are able to relate to you in a very individual way. They express themselves with incredible creativity, whether the medium is words, art or whatever else.


1. Fiercely Independent – Freedom of expression is often Adventurers’ top priority. Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for Adventurer personalities. This can make more rigidly structured academics and work a challenge.

This can cause The Adventurer to lash out or complain when they are in situations where they have to follow rules. Even when those rules are required for order. They may feel that others are deliberately trying to stifle them.

2. Unpredictable – Adventurers’ dislike long-term commitments and plans. The tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause strain in Adventurers’ romantic relationships and financial hardship later in life.

This can cause them to communicate or even act in a way that is non-committal or flaky. They may communicate in such a way to avoid committing to something long-term. Due to their adventurous nature, they tend to feel suffocated by long-term commitments and plans.

3. Easily Stressed – Adventurers live their lives full of emotion and in the present. When situations get out of control, people with this personality type can shut down, losing their characteristic charm and creativity in favor of complaining or whining.

This means that they will tend to shut people out or complain for a long time if a situation doesn't go right or if their feelings are hurt. This is because they are highly emotional.



Adventurer personalities believe in actions, not words. They talk about what is, not what could, should or will be, and then they actually do it. This passion for action is a blessing for Adventurers, since it helps them get past their shyness in meeting new people. Adventurers are sensitive, much more so than most, and it takes time to build enough trust with new friends to open up and feel natural.

If their friends keep things supportive and easy-going, Adventurers are happy to return the favor with added warmth and laughter. When they’re with friends they trust, Adventurers know how to relax, shedding rules, traditions and expectations in favor of just enjoying themselves. Those who prefer safe, structured environments might end up struggling in these friendships though, especially if they lecture Adventurers on how they’re living their lives.


Adventurer personality types are practical parents yet exciting at the same time. Adventurers’ children can always count on something exciting to do or to learn every day. Adventurers love doing fun, hands-on activities with their children and they encourage their children to pick up such hobbies.

Despite being introverted, Adventurers will willingly give up their introverted nature to spend time with their children and enjoying engaging activities that center on quality time. Adventurers like taking part in spontaneous activities with their children such as impromptu trips, baking treats and home improvement activities like repainting a room.

Adventurers are the most relaxed parents out there. They strongly believe that the only way their children can become open-minded and more experiences people is by exploring and experimenting, like they themselves do.

Romantic relationships

Adventurers are quite mysterious and difficult to get to know. This is because they guard their sensitive hearts so much because they are very emotional and sensitive individuals. They prefer to  listen than to express, and their romantic relationships are no exception. They hardly ever want to dictate the mood of a situation with their own feelings. While this can sometimes be frustrating because they hardly say what they are feeling, if they are accepted for who they are, Adventurers are warm, enthusiastic partners.


For The Adventurer, the greatest need is creative freedom. Adventurers crave an outlet to express themselves artistically. So, they are drawn to careers that allow them this creative freedom and flexibility.

Adventurers are natural artists, musicians and photographers, as well as designers.

Let's reflect

Do you agree with my theory on how The Adventurer personality type communicates?

Are you The Adventurer personality type?

Try the 16 personalities test today to understand yourself better!


The Protagonist personality is charismatic and a natural-born leader.

The Protagonist personality type is Charismatic & a Natural-Born Leader.

So, how does this affect the way they communicate?

Find out in next week's post on Sunday by subscribing to the Communication Café blog.


The Entertainer: Spontaneous, Energetic & Enthusiastic

The Advocate: Creative, Principled, Passionate

The Entrepreneur: Bold, Rational, Original

The Mediator: Quiet, Open-minded and Imaginative




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