The Entertainer: Personality Type 1

Your personality has a great influence on your communication style. This affects every area of your life. I am dedicating an entire blog series explaining the unique & fascinating 16 personality types: Personality & Communication series. 

We're going to begin with The Entertainer personality type.


The Entertainer Personality Type 

I briefly introduced The Entertainer personality type in the first blog post to demonstrate how our personalities influence our different communication styles. However, in this blog post will give a deeper analysis of The Entertainer.


This type of person is spontaneous, energetic & enthusiastic. Life is never boring when this person is around. Does this remind you of anyone in your life? I’ve certainly met people like this.

You can catch this person spontaneously breaking into song & dance. They get caught up in the excitement of the moment. This makes sense because they are Entertainers! They also love encouraging others.

They love the spotlight. The world is always a stage to them. They love putting on a show, even if they are just chatting with their friends. They can chat for hours, even going off-topic for a long time.

Even though it may not seem like it, these people are observant & sensitive to other people’s emotions. They help someone talk about a problem that is bothering them & provide a lot of emotional support. However, it is interesting that when they have a problem they tend to avoid conflict. Another downside to the Entertainer personality type is that they get easily bored. They may engage in risky behaviour & pleasures of the moment to get rid of boredom

Whenever there’s need for laughter, playfulness & trying something new or fun, The entertainer is always the best remedy.

Famous people like Adele, Jamie Oliver, Marilyn Monroe, Jamie Foxx, Miley Cyrus & Adam Levine have been said to have this personality type. Even fictional characters like Jack Dawson from the movie Titanic has been identified as having this personality type.

Strengths & Weaknesses


Bold – Entertainers aren’t known for holding back. Wanting to experience everything there is to experience, people with the Entertainer personality type don’t mind stepping out of their comfort zones when no one else is willing.

Implication- They will communicate in a way that’s brave. They may say something that most people may shy away from. They’re not afraid to go there.

Original – Traditions and expectations are secondary to Entertainers, if a consideration at all. Entertainer personalities love to experiment with new styles, and constantly find new ways to stick out in the crowd.

Implication- This means that they will go out of their way to communicate in a way that is unique. They love to stray away from the norm because it’s fun & they love to stand out. This stems from their love for the spotlight.

Aesthetics and Showmanship – Not stopping at mere outfits, Entertainers inject artistic creativity into their words and actions, too. Every day is a performance, and Entertainers love to put on a show.

Implication- They will communicate in a way that is entertaining. They’re going to put in a lot of drama when they speak. It doesn’t matter what the situation is – whether if it’s a mere class presentation or a stage performance.

Practical – To Entertainers, the world is meant to be felt and experienced. Truth is stranger than fiction, and Entertainers prefer to see and do than to wax philosophical about “what-ifs”.

Implication- They tend to communicate in a way that is practical & straight forward, preferring to discuss more tangible things than abstract ones.

Observant – With all this focus on the here and now, on doing and acting, it makes sense that Entertainers are naturals when it comes to noticing real, tangible things and changes.

Implication- This means that they are likely to talk about observations. They prefer discussing what is directly perceptible.

Excellent People Skills – More so than things though, Entertainers love to pay attention to people. They are talkative, witty, and almost never run out of things to discuss. For people with this personality type, happiness and satisfaction stem from the time they spend with the people they enjoy being with.

Implication- This means that when they communicate they tend to point out things about people and things around them in a way that is funny & witty. It also means that they are talkative, of course! They are true extroverts! Being around people, especially ones they like, & talking to them for long periods of time excites & energizes them.


Sensitive – Entertainers are strongly emotional and very vulnerable to criticism.

Implication- Since they can feel like they’ve been backed into a corner, they tend to react badly. This means they may communicate negatively. It also makes it hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light in the future.

Conflict-Averse – Entertainers sometimes ignore and avoid conflict entirely. 

Implication - This means that they tend to say and do what’s needed to get out of such situations. They will avoid communicating about conflicts & may need a bit of a nudge.

Easily Bored – Without constant excitement, Entertainers get easily bored. They may engage in risky behavior and pleasures of the moment over long-term plans.

Implication- This means that one may need to communicate in an exciting way to stimulate them & retain their attention.

Poor Long-Term Planners – In fact, Entertainer personalities rarely make detailed plans for the future. To them, things come as they come, and they rarely bother with taking the time to lay out steps and consequences, with the belief that they could change at any moment – even with things that can be planned.

Implication- This implies that they may not think about the consequences of what they are going to say. They just like to live in the moment & this may spill over into their communication style. The Entertainer may say something inappropriate & leave others wondering where that came from. It is due to this character trait. Entertainers can gradually work on this to become more considerate communicators & people.

Unfocused – Anything that requires long-term dedication and focus is a particular challenge for Entertainers. In academics, dense, unchanging subjects like Classic Literature are much more difficult than more dynamic, relatable subjects like psychology. The trick for Entertainers is to find day-to-day joy in broader goals and to tough it out with those tedious things that must be done.

Implication- They tend to lose focus if someone is talking to them for long periods of time, especially if the subject is not fun by their standards - remember they often need fun & stimulation. So, taking an Entertainer personality type to a long lecture on history is going to wear them out & they are unlikely to pay attention. Some personality types may enjoy the lecture but the Entertainer is unlikely to find pleasure in this. Since The Entertainer tends to have a hard time focusing for long periods of time, it is helpful for others to communicate with them in a brief, fun way where possible. Entertainers should also find ways to make ordinary, day-to-day things fun since not everyone has their exciting, fun, constantly-stimulated communication style. There are many different people & situations in life & you can't always expect people to adapt to you.


We all value our relationships. Our families, friends, romantic partners & others mean a lot to us. So, it's important to examine one's communication style so that we understand why we communicate the way we do in our relationships. It will help us see both strengths & weaknesses so we can communicate better in our relationships.

Entertainers are social, fun-loving people who like to live in the moment & squeeze every little bit of excitement from every situation. The same applies to their romantic relationships. 

Relationships with Entertainers are simply unforgettable. They always have some new and exciting activity up their sleeves. They genuinely enjoy spending each moment with their partners. Entertainers prove themselves affectionate, inquisitive, and open-minded partners.

On the downside, the fun & enjoyment they bring can burn out easily. If a week later they just don’t feel the same, Entertainer personalities have no problem seriously considering breaking things off. It takes a great deal of maturity and experience for them to realize that relationships aren't all fun & games and it can be worth the work.

Entertainers are known for their social and excited attitudes. They like to share all experiences with their extensive circles of friends with wit, style, enthusiasm, and optimism. Entertainers are explorers of the pleasures of life and they take particular pleasure in sharing those experiences with others.

They love getting out & engaging in activities that engage all five senses. Sometimes though, Entertainers may go too far with risky or careless behaviors, and try to bring others along for the ride. People with this personality type are sensitive, and if you reject taking part in these pastimes with them they can take this personally, to the extent of ending friendships.

Making new friends isn’t a problem for Entertainers. They are a combination of blunt, open and charming. Where Entertainer personalities falter is in keeping the friends they already have. In their excitement and focus on here and now, Entertainers too easily exhaust the adventure one person has to offer. They move on once one person’s novelty has worn off.


Entertainers have a unique quality – they mirror the mood around them. When they are at a party or concert, they reflect that mood, giving them that “party people” image. When their friends are sad, they mirror that with sympathy and empathy. 

As a result, just about any career that focuses on working with others is a good fit. This is essential for Entertainers to be happy and productive. Entertainer personalities are natural event planners, sales representatives, trip planners, and tour guides. Each of these careers creates a sense of excitement, stimulation and novelty between them and their customers.

Know thyself & others

If you have The Entertainer personality type or you know someone who is, I sincerely hope this was eye-opening to you. I hope this post helped you understand yourself & your communication style - or those who are close to you who are Entertainers.

Surprisingly, this detailed examination of The Entertainer personality type is only one drop in the ocean. The 16 personalities site takes an even deeper dive in analyzing The Entertainer personality type. 

Want to know more? Click here!


  •, accessed 5th January 2021.


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