What is your greatest weakness? Learn how to answer this tricky interview question.
By Linda Otieno pexels.com Having good answers in a job interview can land you a job. In this post, let's discuss the best answer you can give to this tricky interview question: What is your greatest weakness? I recently went for a job interview & the thought of this question crossed my mind and the fact that a lot of people, me included, don't really know how to answer it. So, I thought it would be a great idea to talk about it when the idea is still fresh in my mind. For now, we'll briefly step away from our on-going series on personality & communication, but we'll get back to it next time. Thanks for your patience! Sample answer 1: "Can't say no" weakness My greatest weakness is that I sometimes find it hard to say no to people. In the past, this has resulted in me feeling slightly overwhelmed at times, simply because I have taken on too much in addition to my own tasks and projects. I need to learn to say no when appropr...