special post: Do you struggle to breathe while wearing a mask? These 6 tips can help.

By Linda Otieno


Do you struggle to breathe while wearing your mask? If your answer is yes, then I have 6 tips for you that can help.

First of all, before you get into the tips I would like to share with you 2 reasons that cause you to struggle with breathing when you're wearing a mask.

1. You may have an underlying lung or breathing condition.

If you struggle too much to breathe under your mask, it may indicate that you have an underlying breathing problem that you're not aware of. 

So, what happens is that if you already have an underlying problem, wearing the mask only worsens it.

I'm not trying to scare you or make you uneasy. It's just a possibility. This is only where the way you feel underneath your mask goes beyond regular discomfort.

2. You may have a mental or psychological block.

In other words, you could be having anxiety ties to wearing that mask that makes you feel or think that you can't breathe well when you have it on. This is what affects most people. Therefore, it is more likely that this is what is causing you discomfort when you wear your mask.

Another mental or psychological block could be that you have claustrophobia. Claustrophobia is an irrational fear of confined spaces. You feel as if your nose and your mouth, when it's underneath the mask, is in a confined space. A mental block also affects people who have been through some kind of trauma, especially trauma survivors.

Mental blockage could be what is holding you back from feeling like you are getting enough oxygen while being under the mask.

 It turns out your oxygen level with a mask on is exactly the same and perfectly normal as when you are without the mask.

Now for the tips


It's great that we now know the reasons why we struggle to breathe under the mask. 

But what can we do with this information to help us feel like we not struggling to breathe underneath the mask?

What can we do to feel more comfortable while wearing a mask so that we can prevent ourselves from getting Covid-19?

1. You may want to see a doctor to check if you have a lung or breathing problem.

So as I mentioned before, one of the reasons why you might be struggling so much to breathe when you are wearing the mask may be because you may have an underlying lung or breathing problem.

So, if you feel that you are struggling just too much to breathe underneath that mask, you may want to consider consulting a doctor.

Wearing a mask is obviously unnatural and uncomfortable for everyone, but if just going a few minutes under it is torture for you, consider seeing a doctor.

2. You may want to change the fabric.

You may want to try changing the fabric or material that you are using.

If you struggle wearing a cloth mask, you may want to try a lighter mask like a surgical mask. A cloth mask, while useful, is heavier and thicker. So, it may give some people problems while breathing. The thing is different masks work for different people so just try a different material and see if it makes you more comfortable.

3. You may want to change the fit.

So, for this one if the ear loops bother you look for a mask with ties that you can tie at the back of your head.

For some people ear loops are more comfortable, for others it's the ties.

Try out the different types and see which one makes you feel like the mask isn't on too tight and makes you feel more comfortable with breathing.

4. Take a break from wearing the mask.

Take a little break from wearing your mask when you're far from other humans. This will give you a chance to just breathe.

However, with this one you have to be really careful. Just make sure that you are far from other people, ideally that you are alone. Make sure that you are some place where you can be completely mask free. For instance, you are in a room by yourself you can take that chance to lower your mask for a bit and breathe to get rid of discomfort. This will give you a chance to rest.

5. Just keep wearing your mask.

The more you wear your mask the more you get used to it.

 Just think of it like trying to get used to a new type of food. The more you eat the more you get used to the taste and texture of the food in your mouth. I know it's difficult and uncomfortable and I feel that too but just keep trying. I promise you, the more you wear it the more you'll get used to it.

As you are training yourself to get used to wearing the mask, take deep breaths. This will train your body and your mind to get used to breathing with the mask on more comfortably.

6. Talk about your struggle.

Simply talking about the fact that you are struggling to breathe with your mask on can help to get rid of any anxiety or mental block and therefore get rid of any physical discomfort that you're feeling with the mask on.

Let's reflect


I know it's uncomfortable to wear the mask just try these tips and know that you're not alone. 

Also, as usual, remember to wash your hands and practice social distancing. Stay safe. 

I sincerely wish you hope and peace of mind.

Disclaimer: The writer is not a health professional. It is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor or a medical professional beforehand.


  • https://www.osfhealthcare.org/blog/struggling-to-wear-a-mask-follow-this-advice/
  • https://www.forbes.com/sites/jessicagold/2020/07/01/feeling-anxious-about-wearing-a-mask-here-are-5-ways-to-overcome-it/?sh=1303550d4629


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